Optimize Top Team Performance

A 2016 Deloitte survey found that only 13%  of companies believe they are building effective global leaders.  The major cause of corporate leadership development failure is that IQ, EQ and behavior tools alone cannot solve complex problems efficiently since they often involve the entire human 6Q systems and their environments. Issues at the top are often complex.

Unlike others, we look at the big picture, get to the root causes of behaviors and target issues with the right tools.  Here are our 4 keys to optimize top team performance:

  • Focus on the shifts that matter as well as the holes that can sink your boat.
  • Identify development needs before “the 360 degree,” and deliver training according to toot causes
  • Utilize the right formula in People Analytics
  • Integrate learning with practices and Involve Senior Leaders

The executive 6Q data is usually good for 2 years without significant events, which allows us to anticipate the development needs once the next challenge is clear and take early action.

Do you desire to translate your strategy into effective organizational action?  Do you want to get ahead and stay ahead?  Contact us!

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