Executive 6Q Assessment

The Executive 6Q Assessment

The Executive 6Q Assessment, like a CT scan, evaluates individuals’ leadership and performance through multiple dimensions, identify the “missing software” and “vulnerabilities” and explore the best strategies to achieve their goals.  The 6Qs are IQ, EQ, Learning Quotient (Q), adversity Q, health Q, and public influence Q.

Unlike other assessments, the assessment takes a holistic approach instead of partial and helps individuals catch the development needs before “the 360-degree” and take early action.  In general, the test will evaluate whether:

  • a person is on the right track and can meet the challenge ahead,
  • the person can stay ahead of changes and learn from mistakes,
  • what needs to be done and how to make learning and execution easy and fast, and
  • how to help the person maintain optimal performance.

What Makes Executive 6Q Assessment Unique?

Human beings need to meet internal and external challenges and keep their body functioning at the same time.   Business, Law, Medicine (including Psychology) and others are the sciences that govern human micro and macro world.  The Executive 6Q Assessment is an integration of the major sciences, evaluating individuals at micro and macro levels, and beyond traditional healthcare and talent management.

Like computers, individuals cannot function without working “software.”  Medicine has found that human ability, body, and relationship with self and society are one integrated system.  Poor IQ and EQ can be due to poor health and resilience.  Unlike computers, human performance can fluctuate under the change and the storm, which is why adversity Quotient (Q), health Q, and public influence Q also play their roles besides IQ, EQ, and learning Q.

The Executive 6Q Assessment is designed to look at the big picture, evaluates all 6Qs instead of IQ, EQ, behavior, or psychometrics alone.  The assessment gets to the root causes of behaviors and identifies the best execution plan for individuals to achieve their goal and be their best, including being a Level 5 leader and an exceptional CEO.

Behaviors mainly reflect the underlying 6Q structural change instead of creating the structure, which is why behavior alone cannot build level 5 leadership.   The 360-Degree evaluation, Psychometrics, and others are different kinds of partial approaches.   For more information, please visit: Identify Your “Missing Software” Efficiently, Go from Good to Great.


1. What Can Executive 6Q Assessment Achieve?
The Executive 6Q Assessment will recommend personal development and strategies, such as career direction, professional skills, vision, innovation, conflict management, leadership style, resilience, physical and mental health, and personal life.  Also, the recommendation can be team management, customer service, or policy-making.   The recommendations can be any combination as well.  The assessment has 85 dimensions, and its report has 16 pages.

2. Is It Necessary to Assess So Many Factors (Qs)?
Yes.  Because the 6Qs link with each other, it is impossible to see THE WHOLE PICTURE without evaluating all associated factors.  For example, leadership can be compromised if a leader limits his or her vision, crashes in setbacks and failures, stops learning, and develops poor health.   Looking at the big picture helps to identify the best shot(s).  Working on all associated elements also makes exponential results possible:

1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 = 1
0.9 x 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.9 = 0.53144
1.1 x 1.1 x 1.1 x 1.1 x 1.1 x 1.1= 1.772

3. What are the Unique Benefits of the Executive 6Q Assessment?
The Executive 6Q Assessment not only identifies the “missing software” but also makes learning easy and fast; therefore, we often can show results in weeks or days. 

Also, the assessment does not rely on “self-awareness or honesty.” Instead, the assessment often identifies issues that are small and invisible to the public and anticipates when negligible weakness becomes substantial, and significant strengths become irrelevant.  Furthermore, the same 6Q data is usually valid for two years in the absence of significant events, which allows individuals to get help to handle challenges and crises thousands of miles away.

4. Does Executive 6Q Assessment Rely on Statistics?
Statistics can give good references but often lead to average results.  The Executive 6Q Assessment both penetrates deeper and examines a broader range of characteristics and the development needs of a leader than other tools because the best talents are often NOT average.

5.  Are There Case Studies Available?

1. Should a CEO be Charming?
2. Can He Handle the Job?
3. Eliminate Stress with the Right Law
4. More case studies

“Dr. Yang provides a highly efficient and effective framework to diagnose leadership strengths and opportunities quickly through the Executive 6Q Assessment tool. Further, she is able to recommend solutions that go beyond traditional EQ/IQ based approaches by incorporating specific aspects of human behavior, considering a broader perspective to leadership that includes aspects of Adversity, Health, Public Influence and Learning with the 6Q Framework. I found the assessment and the session to be a productive investment of time and $s and would highly recommend it as an efficient way to quickly diagnose and build key leadership competencies.”

— A participant to “Strengthen Your Leadership Rapidly.

6. Can I Have Some Hands-on Experiences? 
Yes.  The mini leadership assessment (8′) and Mini Be Your Best Quiz (8′) are free mini Executive 6Q Assessments.

7. Indications for Executive 6Q Assessment:

* CEO & executive performance consultation.
* Corporate Leadership development needs assessment and program design
Executive career assessment, placement, promotion, and succession.
Team performance management and system design.
* Personalized fast learning.
* Excite and keep the best.
Human capital cost management.
* Other complex and delicate issues in leadership and performance.

Individual (including all the above)
* Executive performance consultation, training, management.
* Career consulting.
* Stress-related health issue management, for example, insomnia, headache, heart attack, stroke, fast aging, etc.

8. How long does it take to finish the assessment?
About 75 minutes.

9. How Can I Register for the Executive 6Q Assessment?
We start most of our programs with the diagnostic program: “A Right Start, A Strong Start.”  Please click on the link to register.

Consulting firms, executive coaches, and others, please contact us.