Mental health has become a top priority to businesses and society since the pandemic. Mental health management is a part of our Level 5 leadership development as it is a quick way for leaders to know their team, lead better, win hearts and minds, and achieve their goal better.
A few years ago, Ben Congleton, CEO of Olark, encouraged his web developer Madalyn Parker to take 2 days off for her mental health. It went viral after Ms. Parker shared the experience at twitter. That also implied that the mental health has not been taken care properly. Leaders should be able to recognize common and complex mental issues and take proper actions.
What Makes Mental Health Issues Complex?
When they have complex root causes of behaviors, come with health issues, including psychiatric components, or are on their way. These are often beyond management personnel’s scope but can be better taken care if management personnel know how to give initial support and help team members get to the right direction. Employees’ mental health issues are often secondary and have better chances to recover if we can get to their root causes.
What Limit Traditional Approaches?
What Makes Us Different?
How Will We Help You?
We work on individuals and their environments.
We help management personnel understand the needs of mental health management at workplace, take the right approach over common and complex issues, and be a role model to build a mentally healthy work environment. We enable individuals to know self, strengthen and restore their physical and mental health efficiently if needed.
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The Prince Synergy Team Los Angeles, 310-668-1828
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